Quality-Focused Home Remodels

Hail Damage

Quality-Focused Home Remodels

Waukesha Hail Damage

Waukesha and Burlington, WI Hail Damage Experts

Do I Have Hail Damage? . . . What Does It Look Like?

Trust Us For your Hail Damage Inspections, Repairs and Insurance Claims Filings

If you have been in hailstorm the most obvious damage you see is to cars. You see the damage immediately after the last ice nugget has fallen.

You’re horrified because the once smooth surface is now riddled with dents and pits.

Most people do not ever consider that their home was damaged as well.

Your roof is as susceptible to hail damage as the hood of your car. When hail hits your roof it creates a bruise. This bruise may have even cracked the fiberglass membrane and can allow water to seep into your home. It may not leak the day after the storm but over time it will happen.

Composition Shingles

It’s difficult to determine whether a shingled roof needs to be replaced after a hail storm because the damage is not readily evident.

Our hail damage specialists are specially trained and experienced to determine the damage and make corrective action.

We check the entire roof structure and gutter system. If we see a large amount of granules reroofing would be a consideration.

Granules aren’t just for appearance purposes, they’re there to protect the asphalt based roof product (the shingle). It doesn’t take much of a hail storm to dislodge a bunch of granules, thereby exposing the asphalt and shortening the service life of your roof.

If your roof went through a hail storm but no damage was readily visible but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. If enough granules were knocked loose, the sun will hit the exposed asphalt further damaging the roof and underlayment. The exposed asphalt will deteriorate and more granules will come loose. In a few months and after a few rains, the damage will be readily evident.

Many times hail storms produce visible damage, but beware, only a trained roofing hail damage specialist can uncover the real damage!



We would love to help you make your home everything you’ve dreamed of with your next remodel project.